Capernaum (Cafarnaum)
Northern shore of the Sea of Galilee, North District, Israel
Yaffa (Jaffa, Jaffa, Jope)
Oldest part of Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Istael
Vía Dolorosa
Via Dolorosa, Old City, Jerusalem, Israel
Tumba del Rey David
Har Tsiyon, Jerusalem, Israel
Cenáculo (Sala Superior)
Har Tsiyon, Jerusalem, Israel
El Jardín de Getsemaní
Derekh Yerikho, Jerusalem, Israel
Lago Tiberíades (Mar de Galilea Mar de Galilea)
Near the Golan Heights, in the Jordan Rift Valley, northeast Israel
Along the Jordan River, Galilee, Israel
200 m to the south-west from Snir, HaGoshrim, Israel
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