Cénacle (Chambre Haute)
Har Tsiyon, Jerusalem, Israel
Le Jardin de Gethsémani
Derekh Yerikho, Jerusalem, Israel
Le lac de Tibériade (mer de Galilée mer de Galilée)
Near the Golan Heights, in the Jordan Rift Valley, northeast Israel
Along the Jordan River, Galilee, Israel
Musée "Tour de David"
Jaffa Gate Old City 91140, Jerusalem, Israel
200 m to the south-west from Snir, HaGoshrim, Israel
1 km to the north-east from Karmei Zur, Hebron, Israel
Alonei Mambré
800 meters to the west from Khirbat Zayta, Hebron, Israel
Metsad Zohar
1,2 km to the west from Neve Zohar, Neve Zohar, Israel
Eshet Lot
10 km to the north from Ein Tamar, Ein Tamar, Israel
Catégories des lieux